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点赞:1 人气:1695
标题: Elf on the White Orc
上传日期: 2007-08-30 04:12:42
插画师: wayji
I spent half a year finishing this picture as I drew it intermittently and revised it for several times. It was a practice for my patience, but I really enjoyed it. In this picture, I want to represent the beauty of harmony between nature and human, which is what I pursuit all the time. The flowers on the foreground cost me quite a long time to make them perfect..
点赞:2 人气:1454
标题: Book of Angel
上传日期: 2007-08-30 04:10:33
插画师: wayji
The angel girl stands for innocence and justice. The goldfish behind her represent evil. The lovely rabbits find the shinning book for the angel girl, which has magical power to drive the evil out of the pure heaven. I spent one week finishing this picture. All the elements in the picture are not only the ones I pay attention to during that period, but also the ones I like. So I want to combine them in one picture .


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