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The word 'diamond' comes from the Greek term 'adamas', meaning unconquerable. The ancient Egyptians began the custom of wearing a diamond ring on the fourth finger of the left hand. They believed that the vein of love ran directly from the fourth finger of the left hand to the heart.

We have described some classic ring styles and setting for your information below.
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A classic and elegant setting popularized by Tiffany and Company for a luxurious 6-prong solitaire setting that emphasizes the beauty of the diamond as well as the beauty of the one wearing this ring.
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Diamonds with Emerald Cuts looks like a rectangle from the top with truncated corners. The stepped facets in these diamonds gives a sheen that displays large flashes of light which are both dazzling and stunning to the eye.Cut and Colour remains an important ingredient in establishing the beauty of these diamonds. Maintain a color grade above G for these diamonds, as color will show up dramatically in emerald cut stones.
Clarity is the other important factor in Emerald cut diamonds. Select diamondsthat have a minimum clarity grade of VS2 for a bright and eye clean diamond.
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The symmetry embedded in the shape of these diamonds flatters hands that are small with short fingers. The elongated shape of these diamonds creates a seductive appearance of length and tapered fingers for the wearer.
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A popular teardrop shape traditional cut mostly used for pendants and drop earrings. Recently Pear shaped diamonds is mounted on rings for a contemporary look. The shape of these diamonds particularly looks nice on hands with small or average-length fingers.
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The Princess Cut has become extremely popular in the United States and dominates demand in the small to 2-carat range for engagement and wedding rings. Because of rapid growth in the demand for these diamonds they are becoming exceedingly hard to find at competitive prices. Princess diamonds look best in a classic 4-claw setting.
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For all the romantics, a heart shaped diamond set in a platinum ring suggests true individuality and uniqueness for your love. Heart shaped diamonds are unique and look stunning in rings. These diamonds are also very difficult to find because of the romance embedded in this shape results in a high demand for them among customers.

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The elongated shape with pointed ends of the Marquise looks gorgeous when used as a solitaire or when enhanced by smaller diamonds in a 3-stone setting.
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This cut from Amsterdam is a traditional triangular shape with pointed corners. The Trilliant Cut diamonds are for the futurists. This three-sided diamond is shaped to make the statement "I am forward-looking,"by its wearer.

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  A diamond by far will remain the oldest thing you will ever own, probably 3 billion years in age. The age of the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years. In striking contrast, humanity’s appreciation and value for diamonds is relatively recent, only 2500 years, an evanescent blip in the tectonic time scale.
The art of cutting diamonds to emphasize their optical properties is an even more recent phenomenon, dating back to only A.D. 1400. Since then diamonds have been cut into many different shapes with each shape having its own unique charm. The shape that one decides to acquire remains a deeply personal choice and a reflection of one’s personality.
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   A number of complex factors come together to establish the price of a diamond. A simple rule of the thumb is that the more unique and rare a diamond is, the higher its price. Established gemological institutions worldwide are agreed that the "Four C's" - Cut, Color, Carat Weight and Clarity must be considered together when establishing the price of a diamond.
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It is a little known fact that the price of fancy colored diamonds are a lot more expensive then white or blue-white diamonds. Fancy colored diamonds are found in many hues such as yellow, blue, green and red. Among these colors Red diamonds are by far the most expensive. In China, red is the color of prosperity and luck. In the United States of America, red is the undisputed color of luxury and style. In Italy, red is the color of speed, think Ferrari's. Combine all these attributes - prosperity, luck, luxury, speed and style in a 1-carat RED diamond, and you have obtained one of the most valuable and probably the most expensive gemstone found anywhere in the world. Common knowledge places the number of red diamonds around the world at approximately 50 red diamonds. Given the impossibly high price for these diamonds and their limited supply, one can venture that supply should actually match demand.
To give one an idea of price consider an Ideal cut round white diamond in E color with VS1 clarity which retails at INUVUT for RMB 4,640, inclusive of all taxes. In comparison, a natural 0.25-carat Red diamond was auctioned by Christies for RMB 662,587 in 1996. This Red diamond would sell for a lot more today.
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   From the "Four C's" mentioned above, cut remains the single most important variable in determining the price of a diamond. This is why most diamond merchants are reluctant to release cut information to the buyer. At INUVUT we believe in complete transparency with our customers.
All our diamonds undergo stringent evaluation before we assign a cut grade to them. The cut grade proportions used by INUVUT adheres strictly with the American Gem Society Laboratories cut grade parameters. With over 98% of the diamond's brilliance locked in the quality of its cut, it is no surprise that this factor remains the single most important variable when establishing the price of a diamond.
For white diamonds, color grade has the next largest influence on price followed by clarity. Carat weight determines how rare a diamond is! The greater the carat weight the more rare the diamond. However, carat weight must be considered in combination with the other variables when purchasing a diamond. Do not buy a diamond simply for its size. Evaluate the “Four C's" when you consider a diamond to arrive at a balanced view about the diamond you are about to purchase.
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Buying a diamond ring has significant financial and emotional stress attached to it. How do I know I will get the exact diamond that I selected? How do I know I will get the best value? How do I know what my diamond looks like without having seen it?
All Canadian diamonds have a laser inscribed identification number on their girdle that ensures that the diamond you select is the diamond that is shipped to you directly by Canada from New York. The laser inscribed tracking number is also noted in the gemological laboratory certificate mailed along with the diamond. Once you have established the "Four C's" for your diamond, go into the market and look at similar diamonds to see if you like the scintillation, fire and sparkle depicted by these diamonds. Then compare their price with ours. You will not be disappointed. Our prices are amongst the most competitive in the industry!
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[楼 主] | Posted:2006-10-18 10:45| 顶端

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